Radishes Smell Like the Ocean–May 24, 2012
Nico from first grade noted that the weather was warm and sunny with the soil temperature being 75° and the air temperature registered at 71°. In the garden we planted potatoes with at least three eyes (facing up in the hole) and beans. Just outside the garden fence a group worked with Jack planting the sunflower seedlings in a row and Anna doled out watermelon and pumpkin seeds to plant in a big patch of beautiful soil that she had dropped off earlier. We also harvested radishes, weeded and watered.
Quote of the day: “This radish smells like the ocean.”
- plant potatoes with the eyes on top
- plant sunflower seedlings with hollowed out soil around it
- plant watermelon and pumpkin seeds on a mound about 5″ apart
- harvest, rinse and taste radishes
- weed and water