Artist Trading Cards with the Beautiful Stuff Project

examples of artist trading cards with kid's collage, drawings, and information about the event

Artist Trading Cards are mini works of art that are exchanged among artists around the world.  They are just the same size as your favorite Pokemon or Baseball card.  But these you get to make all your own…. Read More

Backyard Birding with a Wellfleet Audubon Naturalist

A robin and a titmouse on the poster with all the event information

Truro Recreation and Truro Public Library presents Backyard Birding with a Wellfleet Audubon Naturalist. Who is that bird outside my window? Learn to identify some of the birds that can easily be found just outside your back door… Read More

Stuffed Animal Sleepover Pick-Up

event information with images of stuffed animals, the moon and stars

Pick up your stuffed animals and learn about their night adventures in the library!

Stuffed Animal Sleepover Drop-Off

event information with images of stuffed animals, the moon and stars

Bring a stuffed animal (maybe not your favorite) to listen to some bedtime stories, eat some pizza, and tuck then in to spend the night at the library. For ages 9 and under.

Children’s Community Garden

Event Poster of a child with muddy hands.

Sustainable CAPE’s Children’s Community Garden in Partnership with Truro Public Library and Truro Recreation Children plant, cultivate, eat (and enjoy!) local fruits and vegetables – resulting in improved health and a formative early connection to agriculture with Farmer/Educator… Read More

Stuffed Animal Sleepover Pick-Up

Pick up your stuffed animals and find out what adventures they had a night in the library! For ages 9 and under.