Library Cards

Get a Library Card

A Truro Library Card brings you an entire library network of information and entertainment.  With your card, you can borrow materials from the Truro Library as well as any other “CLAMSnet” library on Cape Cod.  CLAMS stands for “Cape Libraries Automated Materials Sharing.” Library cards issued by members are honored by all member libraries.

In addition to print materials like books and magazines, we have DVDs, puzzles,, the Oxford English Dictionary, Consumer Reports, digital magazines, movie streaming services, e-books and e-audiobooks, online and in-house genealogy records, and even a iron, sewing machine, and fishing rod that you can borrow with your library card. Truro Library cards are free to Massachusetts residents and to non-resident Truro homeowners.  All others are asked for a $5.00 annual contribution.

How to Get A Card
Please bring photo identification and proof of address when applying for a card. You can complete an Adult Registration Form or a Children’s Registration Form and bring it in, or fill out an application at the Library when you come in.

Children may obtain a library card at the age of 5 or upon entering kindergarten. A parent or guardian must accompany children applying for cards.

Borrowers are responsible for all items borrowed on their card, including fines charged for overdue materials and replacement costs for lost or damaged items.

How to Use Your Card
Truro Public Library is a member of the CLAMS (Cape Libraries Automated Materials Sharing) Consortium and if you are a CLAMS patron you may use any of the CLAMS libraries.  If you have a library card from another library system not connected to CLAMS you will be required to apply for a CLAMS library card.

How to Replace My Card
You may visit the library and request a new library card. Please bring some form of photo ID for verification. Once you have received a new card, your previous card will no longer be active.

Use or Create a PIN
Open your Internet browser and in the URL/Address bar type in Or, try an internet search for “CLAMS” and select “Cape Libraries Automated Materials Sharing.” Once on the CLAMS Web site click on “My Account” across the top of the page which will bring you to the log-in page. Your Username is your library card number: enter the number with no spaces. Your PIN is the four numbers or letters the library gave you when you signed up for your card. It may be the last four numbers of your phone number on file or it may be a PIN of your choosing. If you were not given/assigned a PIN then follow the instructions on the log-in page to create a pin. Once logged in to your account, you may create a username and will no longer need your library card number to log in.

Reset My PIN
The library does not have access to your PIN number. If you have forgotten your PIN, call or visit the library to have it reset. If you supplied an email when signing up for your library card, you may reset the PIN online. Follow the instructions found on the log-in page to reset your PIN.

How to Check Out Items

  • Books, audio recordings, back issues of periodicals, puzzles, and other items may be borrowed for a two-week period.
  • Videos (VHS and DVD) may be borrowed for a calendar week.
  • Reference materials and current issues of periodicals are non-circulating. Previous issues of periodicals may be checked out for a two-week period.
  • Museum Pass terms are specific to the institution.
  • Materials may be returned to any CLAMS member library.

How to Renew Items
You may renew library material up to three times:

  • Call the Library during working hours to renew items (508-487-1125). Some items may not be renewable if other patrons are requesting them.
  • Renew items online:  1. Log into your CLAMS account;  2. Select the check box to the left of the title;  3. Choose “Renew Marked” (above your checked out items). You can also select the “Renew All” button above your checked-out items.  Some items may not be renewable if other patrons are requesting them. If so, please call the library as we may be able to help.

How to Return Items
CLAMS is a cooperative system, so you can return your items to any CLAMS library.  Please return Inter-Library loan materials to the CLAM library of origin.  Marked, more vulnerable items should be brought inside rather than dropped in a dropbox.

Please return items from a library system outside of CLAMS to that library system.

How do I place a hold?
You may:

  • place a hold with one of our librarians at the Library or over the phone (508-487-1125)
  • place a hold with CLAMS online

From the CLAMS Web site, log in to your account and search for your item. You may search by title, author, keyword, or subject. Be sure to have the correct spelling because CLAMS does not have a spell-check option. When you find the item you are looking for, click on “Request It” (to the right of the title from a result list; near top of page from a title detail). Select a pick-up location from the drop-down menu of CLAMS libraries and click “Submit.” The system will let you know if your request was successful.

How do I check my hold status?

  • From your CLAMS account, select “View Outstanding Holds.” You will see a list of your requested items. Check the status column to see if the item is ready for pick-up, and where. “In-transit” means it is on its way, and a due date means you are next up to receive the item.  If the column is blank,  you are still in the queue.

How do I place an InterLibrary Loan?

An InterLibrary Loan is a request for material outside of CLAMS. If CLAMS does not have the book or materials that you need:

  • Make a request in person, over the phone (508-487-1125), or by email (
  • Provide the title, author, ISBN, publication date and any other information you have for the requested item.
  • To submit a request online, please visit the CLAMS Web site ( and click on “Virtual Catalog” under “Browse Other Catalogs.” Fill out the form with as much information as you can and submit the form. Your library will search for and request the item for you. You will be notified by your library when the item is ready to be picked up.